16.05.2017 - Librex Bookfest, Iasi, 25th edition, 10-14 mai 2017 |
| | Cluj University Press was awarded Mihai Kogălniceanu Prize for editing the scientific and specialized books.The indisputable value of our publications has once again been recognized by the award of the High Quality Diploma of Participation at the LIBREX Book Fair. |
13.02.2017 - Gala Superlativele culturale ale anului 2016 |
| | Special prize for Mihai Floroaia''s book, Inchiziția între mit și realitate. |
21.11.2016 - Book Launching, GAUDEAMUS International Book and Education Fair 2016 |
| | Saturday, November 19th , at Universitaria Consortium’s booth, there was a book launching of Inquisition Between myth and reality, by Mihai Floroaia. The book was recently edited at Cluj University Press. Bogdan Duca, political scientist, theologian and political adviser, presented the work that fills an empty space in our specialized literature. |
15.03.2016 - Librex, Book Fair, XXIV edition, March 9-13, 2016 |
| | At the book fair held in Iaşi, Mihail Kogalniceanu Prize for scientific and specialty book publishing was granted to Universitaria Consortium which includes University Press of A.I Cuza University from Iasi, Bucharest University, University of West Timișoara and Cluj University Press. In addition, Cluj University Press and Babeș-Bolyai University received diplomas for high valuable participation. |
17.02.2016 - Lansare de carte Colecția Personalități ale Universității Babeș-Bolyai |
| | Volumul I Sextil Pușcariu, volumul al II-lea Ștefan Pascu. Lansarea de carte va avea loc marți, 23 februarie 2016, de la ora 12, la Facultatea de Litere (str. Horea 31), în sala D. Popovici. Vor lua cuvântul: acad. prof. univ. dr. Ioan Aurel Pop, prof. univ. dr. Ioan Bolovan, prof. univ. dr. Corin Braga |