/* Simple Image Trail script- By JavaScriptKit.com Visit http://www.javascriptkit.com for this script and more This notice must stay intact */ var offsetfrommouse=[10,15]; //15,25 image x,y offsets from cursor position in pixels. Enter 0,0 for no offset var displayduration=0; //duration in seconds image should remain visible. 0 for always. var delay=200 //image display delay in ms var defaultimageheight = 1024; // maximum image size. var defaultimagewidth = 1024; // maximum image size. var timer; function gettrailobj(){ if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById("preview_div").style } function gettrailobjnostyle(){ if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById("preview_div") } function truebody(){ return (!window.opera && document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body } function hidetrail(){ gettrailobj().display= "none"; document.onmousemove="" gettrailobj().left="-500px" clearTimeout(timer); } function showtrail(imagename,title,width,height){ i = imagename t = title w = width h = height timer = setTimeout("show('"+i+"',t,w,h);",delay); } function show(imagename,title,width,height){ var docwidth=document.all? truebody().scrollLeft+truebody().clientWidth : pageXOffset+window.innerWidth - offsetfrommouse[0] var docheight=document.all? Math.min(truebody().scrollHeight, truebody().clientHeight) : Math.min(window.innerHeight) if( (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Konqueror")==-1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1 || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1)) && (docwidth>650 && docheight>500)) { ( width == 0 ) ? width = defaultimagewidth: ''; ( height == 0 ) ? height = defaultimageheight: ''; width+=30 height+=55 defaultimageheight = height defaultimagewidth = width // alert(gettrailobj().left) document.onmousemove=followmouse; newHTML = '
Loading image preview...
'; newHTML = newHTML + '

' + ' '+title + '

' newHTML = newHTML + '
'; newHTML = newHTML + '
'; if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1 ){ newHTML = newHTML+''; } gettrailobjnostyle().innerHTML = newHTML; if( (gettrailobj().left=="" || gettrailobj().left=="-500px") && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")==-1) ) { gettrailobj().left=500+"px" gettrailobj().top=500+"px" } if( (gettrailobj().left=="" || gettrailobj().left=="-500px") && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")==-1) ) { gettrailobj().left=10+"px" gettrailobj().top=10+"px" } gettrailobj().display="block"; } } function followmouse(e){ var xcoord=offsetfrommouse[0] var ycoord=offsetfrommouse[1] var docwidth=document.all? truebody().scrollLeft+truebody().clientWidth : pageXOffset+window.innerWidth-15 var docheight=document.all? Math.min(truebody().scrollHeight, truebody().clientHeight) : Math.min(window.innerHeight) if (typeof e != "undefined"){ if (docwidth - e.pageX < defaultimagewidth + 2*offsetfrommouse[0]){ xcoord = e.pageX - xcoord - defaultimagewidth; // Move to the left side of the cursor } else { xcoord += e.pageX; } if (docheight - e.pageY < defaultimageheight + 2*offsetfrommouse[1]){ ycoord += e.pageY - Math.max(0,(2*offsetfrommouse[1] + defaultimageheight + e.pageY - docheight - truebody().scrollTop)); } else { ycoord += e.pageY; } } else if (typeof window.event != "undefined"){ if (docwidth - event.clientX < defaultimagewidth + 2*offsetfrommouse[0]){ xcoord = event.clientX + truebody().scrollLeft - xcoord - defaultimagewidth; // Move to the left side of the cursor } else { xcoord += truebody().scrollLeft+event.clientX } if (docheight - event.clientY < (defaultimageheight + 2*offsetfrommouse[1])){ ycoord += event.clientY + truebody().scrollTop - Math.max(0,(2*offsetfrommouse[1] + defaultimageheight + event.clientY - docheight)); } else { ycoord += truebody().scrollTop + event.clientY; } } gettrailobj().left=xcoord+"px" gettrailobj().top=ycoord+"px" } /* alt.js */ var timerId = null var obj = new Array() function prepareShowAlt(event){ idd = this.id if (idd.search("title_") == 0){ idd = idd.substring(6) if ((typeof titles != "undefined") && (typeof titles[idd] != "undefined") && titles[idd].length > 0){ text = titles[idd] }else{ return; } }else{ return } x = 0; y = 0; oX = 0; if (document.all){ x = window.event.clientX y = window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop }else{ x = event.clientX - oX y = event.clientY + window.scrollY } x += Math.round(xs[idd]) y += Math.round(ys[idd]) obj = new Array() obj[0] = text obj[1] = x obj[2] = y timerId = setTimeout("showAlt()", 500); } function showAlt(){ text = obj[0] x = obj[1] y = obj[2] altd = document.getElementById('altDiv') altd.innerHTML = "
" + text + "
" altd.style.left = Math.min(x + 10,document.body.clientWidth-201) altd.style.top = y altd.style.display = 'inline' } function hideAlt(){ obj = new Array() clearTimeout(timerId) altd = document.getElementById('altDiv') altd.innerHTML = "" altd.style.left = -100 altd.style.top = -100 altd.style.display = 'none' } function initAlts(){ arr = document.getElementsByName('title') titles = new Array() xs = new Array() ys = new Array() for (i=0; i32 || pos>79) pos += dir; if (pos>79) len -= dir; if (pos>79 && len==0) pos=0; elem.style.left = pos; elem.style.width = len; } } function remove_loading() { this.clearInterval(t_id); var targelem = document.getElementById('loader_container'); targelem.style.display='none'; targelem.style.visibility='hidden'; var t_id = setInterval(animate,60); }